A school With difference
Affiliation to CBSE- 3430015
Telco Colony, Jamshedpur(Jharkhand,India)
Tel: 0657-2286829/2286965 | Mail: vbcvjsr@gmail.com
The CVP can be identified under four head
It aims at the overall unfolding and gentle blossoming of the child at the physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual levels of his or her personality .It implies overall well-being , emotional balance of the students, manifestation of his or her inherent intellectual capacities and enhancing existing ones and enabling the child to discover his or her inherent divinity and to manifest it
Indian Culture has a philosophy behind it- it is not only a study of an art or Science as in western countries. A way of life, morality,aestheticism and one's attitude to life are shaped by the knowledge and understanding of our rich culture.Under this head the child is given a wide exposure to the various aspects of our culture, cultural awareness and appreciation of the vast literary artistic and scientific heritages. Thus, knowledge of cultural root enhances self esteem of the students.
Patriotism is love and pride in one's motherland. It is deep-seated emotion that enables one to put one's motherland before oneself and one's family. A united country, wherein each citizen is inspired to give out his very best in a spirit of selfless dedication, demanding nothing for himself except the privilege of serving the country, develops into a mighty nation and a tower of strength to the whole world.Through this ideology,each student is rooted in the conviction that he or she is an Indian first and foremost, irrespection of differences of caste, community, religion, state or race.
A universal outlook is the appreciation of sensitivity and commitment to universal issues. After mindless pillage of nature, the world needs to come back to a universal holistic view of life. It helps students to mould themselves as responsible citizens of the world, live in harmony with creation and to elevate their relationship with God as universal force. CVP looks at the universal outlook from an economic, technological, philosophical and cultural angle.Students discover unity and relationship between the universe, man and God and begin to wonder at the beauty and vastness of creation.