Rules and Regulation

1. Students must present themselves in neat and tidy uniform.
2. Students must keep their classroom and school campus clean and tidy. They should not damage the school furniture and property.
3. Students should not write on walls or throw ink on them. Names should not be carved on wood work.
4 Personal cleanliness and hygiene are expected from all the students.
5. Students must move in a line and should not disturb other classes while walking in the corridors.
6. Students should not loiter outside the classrooms when the school is in session. Shouting, whistling, running about in the school building are strictly prohibited.
7. Students are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both inside and outside the school. Misbehaviour will be strictly dealt with.
8. Students should not collect subscription for any purpose without the Principal's permission.
9. Students should bring only necessary and prescribed books and note-books to school. Students must take care of their things properly.
10. Students should pay respect to teachers and elders. They must talk politely and courteously to all. 11. Students should not use abusive language.
12. The use of English in the School Campus is Compulsory.
13. Care must be taken of all school property. No student should damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls. Damage done should be reported at once to the class teacher. Any damage caused will result in penal action against the concerned students.

Note to Parents

1. Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities in enforcing regularity and discipline by taking active interest in the scholastic and cocurricular activities of the school. They are requested to inculcate in their children a sense of respect for the noble values of life.
2. Please ensure that your ward remain in school for the full day after the test.
3. Parents should not disturb their children by taking them out of the class during school hours except for unavoidable reasons and that too with the permission of the Principal.
4. Parents must see and sign the remarks made in the school diary by the Principal/Teacher. They should also personally collect the progress report card of their child .
5. Parents must ensure that the fee is paid on time.
6. A newly admitted student should come in proper uniform from the first day itself.
7. Teachers can be met by appointment only.
8. Private tuitions should be discouraged
9. Please do not give mobile phones to your child. Disciplinary action will be taken against any child carrying a mobile phone.
10. Please do ensure that no net - surfing by your ward is done at home without your supervision and close monitoring.
11. Children tend to pick up abusive language/foul words from the media and different sources without understanding their meaning. We are taking requisite measures to counsel and check them at our end and request you to take corrective action at your end too.
12. No books (other than text books or library books), magazines, papers, VCDs, DVDs, USBs, mobile phones or cameras should be brought to school.
13. As the medium of instruction in the school is English, Students should be helped to follow their work easily and intelligently by a certain amount of regular conversation in English at home.

Library Rules

1. We have separate library for Primary (Classes I to VI) and Seniors (Classes VII to XII)
2. The library is open during the school hours.
3. Silence must be maintained in the library.
4. The library books should not be torn.
5. Students securing 90% above in classes IX, X & XI and 75% in class XII can avail the facility of obtaining 2 books.
6. Before leaving the library, all books and reading material ought to be handed over for a final check at the counter.
7. Dues if any, should be cleared at the time of returning the book. Books will be issued for a period of one week only.
8. Any member, who violates any of the rules may be refused library privileges.
9. If a library book is required in the library, the librarian may call back the book from the member.
10. If a book is lost or damaged by any student, double the cost of the book will be realised or the same book should be replaced.


Leave should be sought in writing on the "Leave and Absence Record" page of diary. If a pupil is absent due to sickness, a separate written application must be submitted along with a medical certificate. Attendance on closing as well reopening days is compulsory. Students suffering from contagious or infectious diseases will not be allowed to attend school. A student returning to school after recovery from sickness should produce a fitness certificate from the doctor. Absence from the school for social functions should be discouraged. There is no provision for short/half day leave.


One month's clear notice in writing or a month's tuition fee in lieu thereof is required to be paid for the withdrawal of the student from the school. No transfer certificate will be issued until all school fees and library books or such items of school property borrowed by the student are deposited/returned. Caution Money will be refunded at the time of withdrawal provided all dues are paid or settled. Refund of caution money should be claimed within 3 months from the date of withdrawal of the student, after which time it shall be forfeited. The school reserves the right to strike off the name of any student from rolls for :
1. Arrears of fees for more than 4 months.
2. Continuous absence of the student for more than 10 days without notice.
3. Irregular attendance, lack of application to studies or playing truant.
The school reserves the right to dismiss any student whose conduct is harmful to other students or to the fair name of the school. Immorality in word or deed, in wilful damage to school property, grave insubordination, contempt of authority, unsatisfactory progress, involvement in acts of crime or violence inside or outside the school etc. are sufficient grounds for dismissal.

  • Fees

    Fees to be paid only by ONLINE MODE. The fees for the month of March must be paid along with the fee for the month of February. Annual Charges must be paid alongwith the fees in the month of April. In case of delay or non-payment for a particular month or months late fine will be added to fees.

  • Exam Reforms

    The evaluation of the academic achievement for the students from LKG to Class III will be through 2 cycles of Continual and Comprehensive assessments spread over the year. Grades will be awarded according to the performance of the child. CBSE has revised the assessment structure from Academic Year 2017-18 onwards. As per CBSE norms the school will now follow the system as mentioned below:
    *Evaluation of academic achievement in the secondary Sections (classes IV to X) will be done through : 2 terms, i.e., Term - 1 and Term - 2. Term - 1 will comprise of 20 marks periodic assessment and 80 marks for Half Yearly Exams. Term - 2 comprises of 20 marks periodic assessment and 80 marks for Yearly examination. *Subject Enrichment Activities : These are subject specific activities aimed at enhancing the understanding and skills of the students. These activities will be carried out through out the term, however, they will be evaluated at the term - end. *Co-scholastic activities will be carried out and will be graded Term-wise. Evaluation of academic achievement in the Senior Secondary Sections(Class XI & XII) will be done through cycles of periodic assessment and Term-end Examinations.

    PROMOTIONS : For a student to be promoted to the next higher class it is mandatory that student in the primary section secure minimum grade D in all subjects, middle school section secures minimum 50% in all subjects, in the secondary and senior secondary sections secures 40% in all scholastic subjects.
    the student secures minimum Grade D in all the non-scholastic subjects. the student has minimum 90% attendance. If any student fails to meet the above criteria he will not be allowed to the next higher class.