Vidya Bharati Chinmaya Vidyalaya situated in the far east of Jamshedpur (Jharkhamd India) has been very thoughtfully named VIDYA means Education , BHARATI - that which is Indian , CHINMAYA -Pure Knowledge and VIDYALAYA is an abode of education. So Vidya Bharati Chinmaya Vidyalaya is an abode of education imparting Pure Knowledge to the future citizens of India.The lamp in the School Emlem signifies the Light of Knowledge that spreads to dispel the daetrkness of ignorance. The school was established on February 1, 1979 under the patronage of TATA MOTOTS (then Messers TELCO), and Chinmaya Mission ,Jamshedpur.The Vidylaya has been blessed with the benign grace and blessings of His Holiness Swami Chinmayananda and is today governed the ideology enshrined in the Chinmaya Vision Program presented by the Chinmaya Education Cell , Coimbatore , under Swami Swaroopananda who is the Head of Chinmaya Mission(Word Wide)
.To offer children a value-based and holistic education which paves the way for the Integrated Development of the physical , mental ,intellectual and spiritual aspects of the personality , enriched by knowledge of India culture , a feeling of Patriotism and Universal Outlook
.To mould children into young men and women of moral strength who can face the challenge of modern life with a smile and make a difference in the world by their positive contribution.
.To Give a practical and judicious combination of academics excellence , extra curricular pursuits , character building and personality development
The School motto is KEEP SMILING . This is a lesson which we want all members of the Vidyalaya Parivar to learn and live through life. This little lesson in its breavity holds the essence of success in life. if we keep smiling through all the ups and downs of life, remaining untouched by joy or sorrow can we successfully continue our journey towards knowledge.
To provide Excellence in Education, to mould students who are professionally sound , morally upright ,responsible citizens and an asset for the nation.
The school will work towards imparting Value Based Education through all lessons - curricular and non curricular , to make responsible global citizens out of individuals.